Crematorium EttLIngen

Crematorium Ettlingen

6. Semester WiSe 2021/22

Institute of Design and Construction Technology

Prof. Ludwig Wappner

Monica Tusinean

Helge Hörmann

Peter Hoffmann

Lisa Häberle

Simon Kochhan

Xuan Wang

A crematorium is a building typology that walks a fine line between contemplation and functionality.

I think that death should not be hidden by society. The end of physical existence has deep philosophical value. That is why I have created respectful spaces, but at the same time I want visitors and staff to feel comfortable.

I would like to take up this contrast in my design and incorporate it in different room atmospheres. Thus, rooms are directed towards the living and serve their added value, while others are reminiscent of the deceased and bring forth moments of reflection. The contrast is created by different materials. Heavy concrete walls form rich, high spaces between them. While in other places light wooden constructions create warm spatial atmospheres.

I see the transition from the physical to the spiritual as very valuable, which is why I place the cremation process in the centre of the design, openly visible to visitors. The only thing in front of it is an open patio.

Connected to the cremation room are functional rooms. On the visitors' side, an open courtyard leads to the foyer of the building. From the foyer, one has the possibility to enter the columbarium and the chapel directly. As the visitor enters deeper into the building, the central patio is found, which offers access to the mourning hall and the café to the right and left of itself. Behind the patio is the open view into the cremation room. Therein lies the quality of the design, through an open cross structure that connects the mourners with each other.